Sensory Swimming

Sensory swim is a weekly swim class for children with Autism, sensory and or learning disabilities.
The programme is funded by Short breaks, The National Lottery and Waterside Community Trust.
There is no cost to the Parent Carer.
Lessons are Saturdays
8.30am & 11.30am
Age 4yrs - 13 yrs
We offer sensory swimming lessons in a friendly, fun and safe environment. Each lesson is structed in a way to allow the teacher to spend a little one to one time with each parent and child, with the majority of the lesson allowing the children to enjoy their time in the water. This method allows the children to relax, to lose any fear of swimming and promotes enjoyment of the water encouraging them to learn to swim.
We're delighted that we can bring this to our community and hope that it will be just the beginning of helping our island children who have ASD, sensory disorders and learning disabilities, become safer swimmers!
The project was brought to Waterside Pool by mum Genevieve Jolliffe, who was frustrated that there were no classes available on the Island at the time for her water obsessed, non verbal ASD son who couldn't swim.
" I had seen how wonderful the swim teachers were with adults with autism and knew that Waterside pool was perfect for this programme."

After coming back from Covid it has been a pleasure to be able to see the joy on these childrens faces once more, we are delighted to have great feedback since returning:
"My little boy was officially diagnosed with non verbal autism at the age of 3.
We soon found out about sensory swimming and I wanted to get him involved right away, but he hated water so much. Especially on his face!
But in 2019 we decided to try him with these lessons and he did indeed dislike being in the water, especially if anyone splashed him in the face.
But we persevered and the wonderful instructors at the pool helped him so much. That even with the break (lockdown) he started to have the most amount of fun. He went from clinging on to me and crying to kicking his legs, then he went to floating by himself.
Now he can swim! Yes he does wear his little life jacket, but he can jump in and get his face wet and he paddles, kicks his legs and doesn't panic in the slightest! He has come along so well and we couldn't be prouder of him. And it's all down to Sensory Swim and the amazing programme that it is. Especially the wonderful instructors at the waterside pool.
He will now put swimming on his daily board and he will get so excited on the Friday as its swimming the next day.
It may be just 30 mins on a Saturday morning to some people, but that session is like life to my son. I don't know what he'll do without it.
It's changed his outlook on water and that's the most amazing thing ever.
I would like to thank everyone involved in running Sensory Swimming. It's a blessing to have this programme."
If you have a child with Sensory or learning disabilities to book a place we ask you firstly to have your shortbreak number. To book please call reception 01983 563656 stating your number.
For enquiries please email below